Spiritual Response Therapy

(SRT) Basic Class

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Ocala, Florida 34481

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Instructor: Janice M. Puta

(SRA Certified)


Who is this for:

  • anyone who wants to have a consistent method of connecting with and working with their High Self to achieve more accurate discernment, deeper awareness, higher consciousness, and quicker evolution;
  • anyone who is open to learn a cutting edge psychic-spiritual method to use their intuitive wisdom and High Self connection to assess and align their personal energies around any area of their spiritual journey and physical experiences to achieve happier, more joyful, healthier, and more prosperous outcomes;
  • anyone who wants to discover how to free themselves from the hidden blocks and self-limiting programs in the subconscious mind and collective consciousness that keep them from manifesting the life experiences they say they want;
  • anyone who is willing to accept the challenge to align with their most benevolent good, their life meaning and purpose, and to hold and project the Divine Love and Light transforming themselves, all of humanity, and Planet Earth.

Class size: Limited to 4 people so everyone gets enough one on one time with the instructor

Class length: 28 hours over 4 days, Friday through Monday



Following the curriculum of the Spiritual Response Association, you will:

  • Learn the purpose of SRT as a psychic-spiritual healing process;
  • Learn and practice the preparation to work with High Self, and how to do a proper closure at the end of the work sessions;
  • Learn the 13 basic subconscious programs that limit your life experience;
  • Empower yourself to take charge of your life by clearing your programs;
  • Learn how to use, and then do,your own personal clearing by
    • Accessing all the charts in the SRT system from an index chart,
    • Removing blocks to 24 major challenges including power, health, career, income, sexual relationships, children, life meaning.
    • Downloading vibrationally vitamins and minerals, and making sure you’re receiving 100% value from what you are physically using,
    • Assessing over 25 aspects of health and well-being to discern how you can improve your physical life experience;
  • Learn how to use, and then do, research and clearing of your past lives;
  • Receive a certificate of completion;
  • Experience 28 hours of small group instruction that includes 10 hours of hands-on clearing work


  • $597 for class tuition
  • $100 of tuition is prepaid no later than 5 days in advance to hold your place in the class and to cover the cost of your textbook, pendulum, and handouts that are required for each student.

To register:

Call Janice at 352-615-7745 to see if there are still openings in this class. Leave a message with your phone number and best time to reach you. Also email her at mail4619-fdl@yahoo.com with your desire to register, phone number, and request for further registration instructions. Click here to continue reading Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Basic Class

Many people want to make a difference in the lives of others but don’t know where to start. The issues going on around us range from helping survivors of tornadoes and floods here in the US to sending supplies to people around the world devastated by drought, starvation, earthquakes, and war.

Begin we must —  or nothing gets done and no one gets help. That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in being somebody’s hero.

Once a year I help put together a fund raising event that supports The Empowering Women’s Future: AIDS Orphan Sewing Project in Tanzania, Africa.

Here’s what the AIDS Orphan Sewing Project does:

Without family, money, and skills, the girls orphaned by AIDS in Bukoba, Tanzania, were the perfect prey for those who would exploit them. Without outside intervention, these 15 to 20 year old girls were prime targets for human traffickers.

The Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus organized these young girls and created a three year program for them to learn the basics of sewing, and ultimately, to become tailors.

Many of the girls who come to the Sewing Project walk one to two hours each way — and one girl walks three hours.

During this training program, students are encouraged to bring to class orders from their village customers and to work on the clothing under the supervision of the instructor.

One of the major motivations for these girls to diligently study in the Sewing Project and to graduate is the prospect of creating an income to buy food for their family and to help educate their siblings.

Upon graduation, each girl is given a treadle sewing machine so she is fully independent. Several of the first graduates staff a store in town that sells their dresses and nightgowns. Occasionally, they receive a contract from the government to sew uniforms for children going to school.

Through the Sewing Project, more than fifty girls in their teens or early 20s now have a chance for a modest existence.

Here’s what you can do to be somebody’s hero:

Any donation you can give keeps one more orphaned girl out of the clutches of human trafficking, and opens the door to her becoming an independent adult capable of taking care of herself, and maybe even her siblings.

Make a secure donation online with PayPal to the AIDS Orphan Sewing Project.

Think and Act Globally
Send your donation now! Click here to continue reading 23 Young Women Need a Hero… Are You Ready to Help

Diva Demo Day
May 12th, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
Fond du Lac, WI

“You don’t want to miss this!”


Just in time for Mother’s Day! Enjoy an hour of body, mind, spirit cleansing and empowerment!

In one hour, sample each of these wonderful experiences and the entire hour appointment is only $49! Unbelievable!

Here’s what you get:

  • Relax with Healing Touch on a Biomat – Marian Blazer
  • Discover qualities of Flower Essence – Barb Ertel
  • Balance with Chakra Alignment & ClearingJanice Puta
  • Have fun with Toe Reading or Hand MassageLinda Heimermann

Wow! Get all that in one hour for only $49! Treat yourself for Mother’s Day! Bring your mom, your sister, your girl friends.

Here’s what you need to do: Click here to continue reading Diva Demo Day, Heaven on Earth Healing Alternatives

Spiritual Response Therapy

(SRT) Basic Class

January  12, 13, 14, and 15

at Unity of Ocala, Florida

Instructor: Janice Puta (SRA Certified)

Who is this for:

  • anyone who wants to have a consistent method of connecting with and working with their High Self to achieve more accurate discernment, deeper awareness, higher consciousness, and quicker evolution;
  • anyone who is open to learn a cutting edge psychic-spiritual method to use their intuitive wisdom and High Self connection to assess and align their personal energies around any area of their spiritual journey and physical experiences to achieve happier, more joyful, healthier, and more prosperous outcomes;
  • anyone who wants to discover how to free themselves from the hidden blocks and self-limiting programs in the subconscious mind and collective consciousness that keep them from manifesting the life experiences they say they want;
  • anyone who is willing to accept the challenge to align with their most benevolent good, their life meaning and purpose, and to hold and project the Divine Love and Light transforming themselves, all of humanity, and Planet Earth.

Class size: Limited to 8 people so everyone gets enough one on one time with the instructor

Class length: 28 hours over 4 days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Content: Click here to continue reading Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)-Basic Class

Accessing Your Inner Wisdom

Basic Divination Skills with a Pendulum

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

10:00 am – 1:00 pm

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Unity of Ocala, Florida

Instructor: Janice Puta


WITHIN YOU is a part of you who KNOWS what IS in your best interest!
Have you ever wanted to …

  • Make better decisions?
  • Get grounded quickly, easily?
  • Build confidence in your own connection with Source?

Here is your chance to be part of a select group of 12 people who will learn Jan’s personal system she developed for using a pendulum with confidence.

Janice has pulled together information on developing your intuition and translated it into the easiest way to learn and master it. Anyone can learn how to use a pendulum. With a pendulum, a good method, and a few charts, you can do wonders for yourself.

In addition to direct access to the instructor and her spiritual support system, every one works through and takes home these special bonuses:

  • Step-by-step easy process for beginning, protecting, and guiding every divination session so you feel safe and aware of your power and your spiritual connections,
  • Simple charts that are easy to understand and use to develop your skill and self confidence,
  • Written instructions on how to connect with your High Self and how to check that connection during your divination sessions for better accuracy,
  • Handouts on personal alignment techniques for better health, improved prosperity, more loving relationships and a more benevolent life experience.

Pre-paid registrations are $40 for new students and $20 for repeat students for this fantastic 3-hour class and exceptional handouts.  Registration closes at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 30th to give us enough time to prepare the best possible experience for you. Don’t be disappointed.  Register now to make sure you get in. Click here to continue reading Accessing Your Inner Wisdom

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)

Advanced Class

March 15 -19, 2012

At Unity Ocala, 101 Cedar Rd., Ocala, Florida

Instructor:  Janice Puta(SRA Certified)

Who is this for:

Anyone who has completed the SRT basic class and

  • wants to further develop the SRT method of connecting with and working with their High Self to achieve more accurate discernment, deeper awareness, higher consciousness, and quicker spiritual evolution;
  • is open to growing with this cutting edge psychic-spiritual method by using their intuitive wisdom and High Self connection to assess and align their personal energies around any area of their spiritual journey and physical experiences to achieve happier, more joyful, healthier, and more prosperous outcomes;
  • desires to continue to learn how to discover and free themselves from the hidden blocks and self-limiting programs in the subconscious mind and collective consciousness that keep them from manifesting the life experiences they say they want;
  • is willing to accept the challenge to align with their most benevolent good, their life meaning and purpose, and to hold and project the Divine Love and Light transforming themselves, all of humanity, and Planet Earth.


Class size: Limited to 8 people so everyone gets enough one on one time with the instructor

Class length: 28 hours over 4 days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Content: Click here to continue reading Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Advanced Class

Saturday, July 30 and Sunday, July 31

from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Sheraton Madison Hotel

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Join us at the Mind Body Spirit Wellife EXPO at the Sheraton Madison Hotel, Madison, Wisconsin.

Our Theme is “Forgiveness: A Way to Happiness”

Come and experience a summer-fun weekend of wellness, human spirit, and growth celebration:

  • great lectures,
  • arts & crafts vendors,
  • healers, advisors, psychic consultants,
  • and so much more!

The Expo starts at 10:00 am each day and closes at 6:00 pm. Your $5.00 donation paid on Saturday gets you back in for free on Sunday.

20% of the admission goes to flood and tornado victims in our heartland and locally to a non-profit giving back to the community: Porchlight Homeless Center.

I will be doing a presentation on Saturday at 2:00 pm.

My topic is “How Past Lives Block Success.” Click here to continue reading MIND BODY SPIRIT WELLIFE EXPO JULY 30-31, 2011

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)

Basic Class #2

July 21, 22, 23, and 24

in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Instructor: Janice Puta

(SRA Certified)

Who is this for:

  • anyone who wants to have a consistent method of connecting with and working with their High Self to achieve more accurate discernment, deeper awareness, higher consciousness, and quicker evolution;
  • anyone who is open to learn a cutting edge psychic-spiritual method to use their intuitive wisdom and High Self connection to assess and align their personal energies around any area of their spiritual journey and physical experiences to achieve happier, more joyful, healthier, and more prosperous outcomes;
  • anyone who wants to discover how to free themselves from the hidden blocks and self-limiting programs in the subconscious mind and collective consciousness that keep them from manifesting the life experiences they say they want;
  • anyone who is willing to accept the challenge to align with their most benevolent good, their life meaning and purpose, and to hold and project the Divine Love and Light transforming themselves, all of humanity, and Planet Earth.

Class size: Limited to 8 people so everyone gets enough one on one time with the instructor

Class length: 28 hours over 4 days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Content: Click here to continue reading Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Basic Class

This is the start of the classrooms for the AIDS Orphan Sewing Project in Tanzania, Africa.

For the past several years, the sewing classes in this three-year program have been held in the nearby convent. As soon as these classrooms are completed, the Sewing Project will have a permanent home for the orphaned girls learning how to build their own future with these sewing skills.

In Africa, they don’t get construction loans from the bank. When the money comes in, they build. When the money is used up, they stop building and wait.

Make a secure donation through PayPal to The AIDS Orphan Sewing Project right here.

It’s urgent that these classrooms get built as soon as possible to continue the safe haven and hope these girls receive in this environment. Without the efforts of the Empowering Women’s Future: The AIDS Orphan Sewing Project, these young orphans are at risk for being sold into slavery or human trafficking.

Read the history of how The AIDS Orphan Sewing Project was begun, and how it has helped the young girls who graduated create an empowering future for themselves. https://www.myeverydaymystic.com/empowering-womens-future-the-aids-orphans-sewing-project/

Remember to make your donation while you’re thinking about it. You will be so glad you did… and the lovely souls you bless with your gift will bless you with their thanks and gratitude.

Blessings always,
Janice M. Puta, Cert. SRT
Spiritual Teacher and Mentor
Advocate for People and Animals
Our Spiral Journey, LLC


Accessing Your Intuitive Wisdom

Basic Divination Skills

with a Pendulum


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Instructor: Janice Puta

* * * * *

Several of you met me at Psychic Fairs, Wellness Expos, the Holistic Horse Fair, or have been touched by the healing energy work I do with Spiritual Response Therapy.

Like me, each of you has your own Inner Wisdom and personal guidance system to support you, guide you, and heal you.

Now here’s a fantastic opportunity to get quick, effective, and easy training in how to tune into and tap this power for yourself.

Who is this for:

  • people who want to learn how to use a pendulum to experience their own intuitive wisdom when they are looking for spiritual grounding and guidance in resolving issues and conflicts,
  • those who already use a pendulum and want to develop their skill, and achieve more consistent, positive results with greater self confidence,
  • anyone who wants to have a method to connect with their High Self or Higher Consciousness to make better decisions and plans for their own well being,
  • anyone who wants to have a method to align themselves with better health, improved prosperity, more loving relationships, and a life experience sourced in their most benevolent good.

What you need to know:

  • This class starts promptly at 10:00 am and will be finished by 1:00 pm.
  • Registrations received after midnight of May 14th pay $55 provided there are still openings for this class.
  • Class will be held at Heaven on Earth Healing Alternatives, W2289 Poplar Road, Fond du Lac, (just a few miles east of Fond du Lac off of Hwy 23). If this is your first time coming to Heaven on Earth, feel free to contact Linda about directions: 920-948-2100


There are only 7 places left in this class and we expect them to go very quickly. Reserve your place now with your registration fee of only $55! Send your payment through PayPal to heavenonearthhealingllc@yahoo.com or send a check payable to Heaven on Earth to Linda Heimermann at W2289 Poplar Rd, Fond du Lac, WI 54937. Do it now while you’re thinking about it!

Here’s what you’re going to learn: Click here to continue reading June 4th Basic Divination Skills with a Pendulum Class

Accessing Your Intuitive Wisdom

Basic Divination Skills with a Pendulum

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Instructor: Janice Puta

*          *          *

This class is filled. The next class is on Saturday, June 4, 2011 at Heaven on Earth Healing Alternative, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.

To find out if this class is for you, how to save with the early registration fee, and what the bonus is for those attending on June 4, click here: https://www.myeverydaymystic.com/basic-divination-skills-pendulum-june/

Like me, each of you has your own Inner Wisdom and personal guidance system to support you, guide you, and heal you. Now here’s a fantastic opportunity to get quick, effective, and easy training in how to tune into and tap this power for yourself.

Don’t miss out! Get in on the June 4th class now, especially if you are thinking about moving on into the deeper spiritual and psychic skills of SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy) this summer!

Take a look right now because there are only 10 seats left in this fantastic, very popular class. Make sure you get yours now! Click here for all the details: https://www.myeverydaymystic.com/basic-divination-skills-pendulum-june/

Janice M. Puta
SRA Certified Teacher & Consultant in Spiritual Response Therapy
Helping You Walk the Path to Healing and Wholeness
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: Janice@OurSpiralJourney.com

Energy Blessing Day

at Unity of Ocala

Saturday, April 16, 2011
10:00 am – 3:00 pm

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Come and be blessed by various energy workers of our CommUnity.

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Choose from Reiki,


Quantum Touch,


and energy healing.


Janice Puta’s life purpose is to empower and give hope. Through Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), her High Self and Spirit release you from your past life blocks to success and wealth, and open up your spiritual resources to support you in creating the life experience you want now.

You can ask for energy clearing and healing work around a specific issue or challenge in your life at this time. Or, experience Soul Record (Akashic Records) research, energy clearing and healing around three archetypal patterns associated with prosperity and abundance: paternal, maternal, and divine.


This is a very popular event. Make sure you can get in: call to make appointments: 352-687-2113. Walk-ins welcome but there might be a wait.


Love offering basis. This is a fund raiser. 100% of the proceeds goes to the Unity Community.

Unity of Ocala
101 Cedar Road, Ocala



Janice M. Puta
SRA Certified Teacher & Consultant in Spiritual Response Therapy
Helping You Walk the Path to Healing and Wholeness
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: Janice@OurSpiralJourney.com

For listings of classes and events

where you can meet and learn from Janice Puta

see the current calendar here:


green pendulumAccessing Your Intuitive Wisdom

Basic Divination Skills with a Pendulum

Sunday, April 3, 2011

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Unity of Ocala, Florida

Instructor: Janice Puta

*          *          *

WITHIN YOU is a part of you who KNOWS what IS in your best interest!
Have you ever wanted to …

  • Make better decisions?
  • Get grounded quickly, easily?
  • Build confidence in your own connection with Source?

Here is your chance to be part of a select group of 14 people who will learn Jan’s personal system she developed for using a pendulum with confidence.

Janice has pulled together information on developing your intuition and translated it into the easiest way to learn and master it. Anyone can learn how to use a pendulum. With a pendulum, a good method, and a few charts, you can do wonders for yourself.

Click here to continue reading Pendulum Skills Class at Unity of Ocala


Accessing Your Intuitive Wisdom

Basic Divination Skills with a Pendulum

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Instructor: Janice Puta

*          *          *

Several of you met me at Psychic Fairs, Wellness Expos, the Holistic Horse Fair, or have been touched by the healing energy work I do with Spiritual Response Therapy.

Like me, each of you has your own Inner Wisdom and personal guidance system to support you, guide you, and heal you. Now here’s a fantastic opportunity to get quick, effective, and easy training in how to tune into and tap this power for yourself.

We are getting a select group of people together for this class: Accessing Your Intuitive Wisdom: Basic Divination Skills with a Pendulum. It will be in Fond du Lac at Heaven on Earth Healing Alternatives, graciously hosted by Linda Heimermann.

To find out if this class is for you, how to save with the early registration fee, and what the bonus is for those attending on May 21, click here: https://www.myeverydaymystic.com/basic-divination-skills-pendulum/

Take a look right now because there are only 5 seats left in this fantastic, very popular class. Make sure you get yours now! Click here for all the details: https://www.myeverydaymystic.com/basic-divination-skills-pendulum/

Janice M. Puta
SRA Certified Teacher & Consultant in Spiritual Response Therapy
Helping You Walk the Path to Healing and Wholeness
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: Janice@OurSpiralJourney.com

habitat_for_humanity_logoThe United Nations has designated the first Monday in October as annual World Habitat Day.

On Oct. 4, 2010, in recognition of World Habitat Day, Habitat for Humanity will raise awareness of the need for improved shelter and highlight Habitat’s priorities: the worldwide connection between human health and housing, and, in the United States, neighborhood revitalization. These themes echo the United Nations’ chosen theme for 2010 for events in the host city of Shanghai, China and the rest of the world: “Better City, Better Life.”

Every week, more than a million people are born in, or move to, cities in the developing world. As a result, the urban population of developing countries will double from 2 billion to 4 billion in the next 30 years. (Kissick, et al: 2006)

By the year 2030, an additional 3 billion people, about 40 percent of the world’s population, will need access to housing. This translates into a demand for 96,150 new affordable units every day and 4,000 every hour. (UN-HABITAT: 2005)

Habitat for Humanity hopes that by raising awareness and advocating for universal decent housing we can dismantle and alter the systems that allow for poverty housing and make an affordable, decent place to live a reality for all.

To see the dates and list of cities where Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter will be working alongside volunteers, click here

Janice M. Puta
Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Energy Practitioner

HHF_logoGet informed, get answers, and get inspired.

  • September 25-26, 2010 from 9 am until 5 pm daily.
  • Held at The Horse First Farm, 5594 Alpine Road, Brooklyn, Wisconsin.

Be in the tent on Saturday at 1:30 pm for my presentation: “How Past Lives Block Health, Behavior, and Performance of Horses.”

Come on over to my booth and learn more about the Photonic Health Red Light that gives you “the power of pain relief in your hands” for yourself and your animals. You’ll be so glad you did… and your animals will thank you too!

See the list of vendors and speakers at www.HolisticHorseFair.com

Janice M. Puta, Spiritual Advocate for People and Animals

SRA Certified Consultant and Teacher of Spiritual Response Therapy


You are invited to join us at the Mind Body Spirit Wellife EXPO at Candlewood Suites Sat/Sun Sept 18-19. Come and experience great lectures, arts & crafts vendors as well as healers, advisors, and psychic consultants.

Our Theme is “Embracing Transition: Change With Compassion.”

It speaks to the challenge of a world in crisis in many ways, and how it is the uplifting sentiments of integrity, sensitivity and faith that pull us through.

The Expo starts at 10:00 am each day and closes at 6:00 pm. Your $5.00 donation paid on Saturday gets you back in for free on Sunday.

Location of event: Candlewood Suites, 5421 Caddis Bend Road, Fitchberg, WI.

I will be speaking at 3:00 pm on Saturday. My topic is “How Past Lives Block Success.”

  • Learn easy techniques you can use to tap into your past lives.
  • Discover the most important steps that clear the unfinished business from past lives that block success in your life now.
  • Learn how to use your intuitive powers to disconnect from the negative effects of past lives that limit your finances, mess with your relationships, and sabotage your health.

Meet me at my booth for 20 or 30 minute past life research and clearing sessions. Everyone who does one of these loves it! Come early and get on my schedule!

See you there!

Janice M. Puta
SRA Certified Teacher & Consultant in Spiritual Response Therapy/Technique
Helping You Walk the Path to Healing and Wholeness
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: Janice@OurSpiralJourney.com

P.S. Directions: Please see web site www.wellife.org for map & more event details.


You are going to want be here on Saturday, July 31!

Join us at the Harmony Café Fox Valley (233 E. College Avenue) from 1:00 to 6:00 pm for the first Intuitive Fair!

Enjoy family time with fun readings!

Look for something special from area vendors.

Choose something yummy to eat and drink from the Café’s fantastic refreshments.

This is a very affordable and accessible event – all the readings are on a donation basis.

Intuitive Readers will offer

  • Angel Card readings
  • Self Empowerment support
  • Emotional Release Finger Holds
  • Toe Reading
  • Everything You Always Wanted to Know About a Pendulum Including How to Use It
  • and so much more!

We’re putting together a wonderful lineup of vendors including

  • Gem stones
  • Jewelry
  • Essential Oils
  • Book’s/Cd’s
  • and more coming in every day!

If you’d like to apply for a vendor booth at this event, e-mail Jesse Heffernan: jheffernan_gw@gwicc.org Vendors will be taken on a first come first served basis.

Click here to continue reading Save the Date July 31, 2010

iStock_000007023216XSmallSaturday, June 26, 2010, Fond du Lac, WI

At Heaven on Earth Healing Alternatives

Instructor: Janice M. Puta, SRA Certified Consultant and Teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy

Anyone can learn how to use a pendulum. With a pendulum, a method, and a few charts, you can do wonders for yourself.

But your results may be only as dependable and as worthwhile as the way you use a pendulum, manage your energy field, and connect with your High Self.

Jan has pulled together some of the most basic information about developing your intuition and translated it into the easiest way to learn and master it.

Here’s your chance to be one of the select 10 people to get these insider secrets to using a pendulum to deliver the results you want.

Join Jan in Accessing Your Intuitive Wisdom: A Pendulum Dowsing Class. Click here to continue reading Basic Dowsing Class June 26, 2010

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