Posted by: Jan on November 4, 2009
Categories: Spiritual Response Technique // Comments Off on Spiritual Response Therapy Untangles Family Issues
Spiritual Response Therapy unravels the subconscious blocks that tangle up family members and put the brakes on progressing through issues and challenges.
For Christy, it was all about finding a nursing home for her mom who had been living with Christy. Now as the aging mother was getting ready to be moved from the rehabilitation facility where she was recovering from recent surgery, she needed to either get into a nursing home or go back to living with Christy.
The problem here was that Christy would have to quit her job, her sole income, in order to give her mother the 24/7 care she needed. The block to getting their mother into a nursing home was Christy’s brothers and sisters who couldn’t agree on where their mother should go.
When I worked with Christy on this issue, we talked about how this situation was offering her several wonderful opportunities to grow and stretch herself:
- She’s being invited to step up and take charge, to exercise control and authority, and to take care of herself. It just so happens that this all centers around also taking care of her mother.
- She’s being challenged by other family members who aren’t doing any of the work here, and who have nothing to lose, like a job, income, time, wellbeing, freedom, etc.
- Her task at hand is to hold her ground, stand tall, be firm, do the best she can, get her mother into a nursing home, and tell the rest of them that if they don’t like it, they can find a different place for her.
- This is as much, if not more, about taking care of herself as it is taking care of her mother.
With the many levels and depths that Spiritual Response Therapy works in, my High Self and Christy’s High Self worked through her emotional blocks to receiving her greater good and her self limiting perceptions that she needed to suffer for things she did in past lives. Layer by layer, we released the stress and guilt piled on Christy by the confrontations with other family members and the hidden belief that she was abandoning her mother by placing her in a nursing home.
Within 48 hours, Christy spoke with her siblings and told them to either help her find a place for their mother, or their mother would have to move in with one of them who had other family members to help out with her care. To her surprise, they not only found a place for their mother, but were going to take care of moving her there that very afternoon. Even more wonderful was the news that Christy’s mother would be close by several of the other siblings who could now run errands and make regular visits to their mother.
That’s the beautiful and subtle way that Spiritual Response Therapy untangles the knots in family issues and supports others in taking a stand and moving forward.
If you or someone you know want to get encouragement and support at this time in your life, let’s talk about what a Spiritual Response Therapy session could do for you or for them. Email me at with the subject: Let’s Talk About What SRT Can Do For Me!
We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel good, and your life will change.
If you have some special ways to help yourself and others own their power and take a stand, let us know what they are. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy/Technique
Helping You Walk the Path to Healing and Wholeness
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