Posted by: Jan on January 17, 2010
Categories: Spiritual Exercises // There are 2 comments already...
Prayers and pleas for help for the people of Haiti are coming across our computers, tvs, and cell phones.
There is no end to the current need, and there is no limit to the power of whatever you can share in your time or resources.
In the solidarity we have with them as the human family, let’s embrace them in a higher vision of hope and healing.
This is one way to hold and transmit love and light to those in need:
Choose a strong, affirming, and comforting statement to focus on like these lines from Rev. Angela Peregoff:
“I am a spark of light through which cosmic truth shines. I am a Creational Force in human form that is here to love all that I am afraid of, to look at what I am afraid to look at, and to send love to that which still scars the soul.”
Ground yourself with stillness and focusing on your breathing. Bring your awareness into your heart space and be at peace.
Now imagine yourself in a shower of golden and white light as you repeat to yourself:
“I am a spark of light through which cosmic truth shines. I am a Creational Force in human form that is here to love all that I am afraid of, to look at what I am afraid to look at, and to send love to that which still scars the soul.”
Then broaden your view, enlarge your landscape and see all the people of Haiti standing before you and stretching out to the horizon.
As you speak these words again, become aware you are speaking them for each of these beautiful souls standing before you:
“I am a spark of light through which cosmic truth shines. I am a Creational Force in human form that is here to love all that I am afraid of, to look at what I am afraid to look at, and to send love to that which still scars the soul.”
Imagine the shower of golden and white light around you spreading out over the people of Haiti in all directions. Feel the warmth of this blessing touching each of their hearts and lifting their spirits with hope. Know that this blessing is traveling to all the injured and wounded, drawing to them the people and resources to help them.
One more time, as you say these words, now imagine that you hear all the people of Haiti saying them with you:
“I am a spark of light through which cosmic truth shines. I am a Creational Force in human form that is here to love all that I am afraid of, to look at what I am afraid to look at, and to send love to that which still scars the soul.”
Sit in the stillness and sacred awe of this moment. In your own words, or with any prayer of your own, commend all these precious souls to the healing work of Spirit and release them into the care of Divine Love.
Return to your own energy field and make sure the shower of golden and white light is still intact all around you. Feel the comfort and peace of this light for yourself. Seal in this positive energy all around you as if you were pulling shut a curtain or a gate. Take in a deep breath and as you release it, bring your awareness back to the room you are in.
You can do this prayer exercise whenever you want for the people of Haiti, Afghanistan, Iraq, or any place in need. Remember to take care of yourself before and after this exercise with the light shower to safeguard your own energy field.
If you’d like to read the entire blessing from which the lines were taken for this exercise, go to Rev. Angela’s website and look for the Morning Blessing for January 5, 2010.
Have you found some bit of wisdom and support in today’s information? Please drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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