Posted by: Jan on June 14, 2009
Categories: Mind/Body/Spirit // Comments Off on Who are the Pollinators Who Help You Bloom?
Nature has many easy and deep lessons to teach us about who we are as communal people – connected to one another in this huge family of humanity.
Right now I’m loving the mysteries of pollination! I’m planting my green peas and bush beans, cucumbers and bell peppers in pots out on my patio. I don’t have a garden plot yet, and I like to grow things organically. My green beans were rather few and far between last year. So this year I planted more of them and gathered around some blooming flowers.
This is where it gets interesting! The flowers are for the pollinators – those insects like butterflies, bees, wasps, flies and beetles that go digging for the pollen or the nectar in the flowers. By having the marigolds and nasturtiums, vinca and salvia near my veggies, I’m hoping those beneficial insects are going to hop on over to the vegetables and do some pollinating for me there too. The wind and the rain help, but more and better pollination means higher yields and more green beans, peas, peppers, and cucumbers on my dinner table.
Just like in nature, each one of us needs helpers and healers, supporters and advocates, friends and buddies to help us bloom. We can’t do this alone! So think about this for a moment: who are the “pollinators” in your life?
- Who checks in on you and sees how you’re doing?
- Who invites you out for a walk or lunch?
- Who shares good information, a hilarious joke, something inspirational with you?
- Who is concerned when something happens to you?
- Who says they are going to pray for you or send you some love and light?
- Who introduces you to their family and friends?
- Who takes time to call you, or time to listen to you when you call them?
- Who tells you they would miss you if anything ever happened to you?
- Who thanks you for being in their life?
- Who remembers your birthday?
- Who gives you a hug when you meet?
All of these are your pollinators – your beneficial beings who are bringing you into bloom so you can reap a good harvest in your life experience.
And, just like them, find ways to return the favor back to them or to others who need what only you have to offer. Enjoy the growing season inside and outside of your mind, body, and spirit. It is all connected within you. It is all connected with others.
Have you found some bit of wisdom and support in these suggestions? Do you have your own simple and effective way to help others bloom? Please drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Author of Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
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