Posted by: Jan on August 5, 2009
Categories: Spiritual Response Technique // There are 2 comments already...
She didn’t want the divorce, the bitter fight over the assets, the chaos it was causing their 12-year old daughter. Expenses were mounting with the attorney, and the anxiety of the first court hearing was looming in the near future.
But more traumatic than all that were the daily phone calls and endless text messages from her husband making demands for what he wanted, and how he wanted this all resolved.
Samantha’s story may sound similar to your story, or the story of some of your friends and siblings. She just wanted the agony to stop!
She had resigned herself to the fact that she wasn’t going to change his mind about turning around their relationship and getting back together. She and their daughter already moved out. But her husband’s relentless and emotionally abusive contacts were wearing her down.
When Samantha called me to help her through this with Spiritual Response Therapy, I reminded her that first and foremost, SRT is a healing modality. I could not give her legal advice or relationship counseling, but I could help her get into the unresolved energies causing a lot of the emotional suffering at this time.
We were able to connect with and intuitively work with her High Self and mine. Through that sacred connection, we could name the discordant energies she and her husband were sending each other through energy cords or bonds they created by thinking about each other with angry or resentful feelings. Awareness and owning her own part in all this was an essential element in the healing process for Samantha. That was the first step in breaking this cycle of persecution and suffering.
Here are the next three steps we worked through with Spiritual Response Therapy techniques:
- Asked High Self to cut and burn all the energy cords or bonds between her and her husband. (Some people like to imagine themselves taking a large scissors and sniping what looks like IV tubing running from them to the other person. This is a powerful visualization and brings a wonderful sense of relief for many people.)
- Walked her through letting go of all the discordant energies sent and received with a statement something like this: “I give myself permission to let go and be free from all the anger, betrayal, abandonment, shame (etc) that I’ve felt around this event/issue or relationship.”
- Asked her High Self to help her visualize and hold in Divine Golden Light herself and her husband. Then I asked her to send forgiveness and the intention to let go of her husband and these issues with a statement something like this: “I forgive you and set you free from all the perceptions I have of you having hurt or harmed me. I ask you to forgive me and set me free from all the perceptions you have of me having hurt or harmed you.”
There was a lot more to this hour-long healing session with Samantha. This is an example of one small segment of how Spiritual Response Therapy works at the energy level that fuels emotional reactivity, imbalance, and suffering.
With conscious mind awareness, we also created walked through more techniques she could use to download positive, supportive programming into her subconscious mind. This new programming will build her self-confidence, shield her vulnerability, and gravitate her towards new opportunities for what she desires to experience in her life now.
If you do your own SRT clearing and/or clear family, friends, and clients, let me know how these suggestions work out for you.
If you’re new to SRT or have had a clearing session done now and then, this is an example of some of the things I talk about and work on with my students and clients. If you’ve never worked with me before and want to have your own free 20-minute session to see how I can help you, email me at with the subject: Let’s Talk for 20 Minutes!
We’ll get together on the phone, we’ll talk, you’ll feel good, and your life will change.
If you have some special ways to help yourself stay grounded and balanced, let us know what they are. Drop a line in the response box below (or click on the comment link in Facebook) and share your thoughts with us.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Janice M. Puta
Certified Teacher in Spiritual Response Therapy/Technique
Helping you get a life you love to live!
For classes and personal energy clearing sessions: